Building on the second global conference on poetry studies from on 4-7 June, 2019: L’entre-deux lyrique/The Between-ness of the Lyric, the University of Lausanne, together with the International Network for the Study of Lyric (INSL) are developing poetry criticism on a global and international scale, in multiple languages. The project starts by collecting the contributions of the best contemporary critics in various languages in Lausanne.

Following the University of Boston in 2017, the University of Lausanne is hosting the INSL’s second international conference on global poetry and lyric studies. This event is the opportunity to bring together the finest in international poetry research and to share the main issues being explored today in this field. The theme of the conference is “the between-ness”. Poetry is currently undergoing a significant transformation from books and into the digital/multimedia sphere. This conference aims to clarify how to articulate the historical and theoretical approaches, linguistic and global approaches, the possibility of finding lyrical form in various genres, as well as current innovations.